# Mastodon Bookmarks Archive _A small Janet script to archive all your Mastodon bookmarks in Markdown files._ Because Mastodon posts can disappear for a variety of reasons (deletion, defederation, server instance shutdown, ...), it is safer to archive your bookmarks. Each Markdown file will contain: - [x] A link to the original post - [x] The author's handle - [x] The post's content in HTML - [x] The media attachments locally downloaded - [x] If available, the alt text for each media - [ ] The full thread, if applicable - [ ] The link card, if any Most of these values will be in the form of `key:: value` for easy integration with Obsidian's plugin Dataview. A sample script to render all your bookmarks is available [here](./dataview-query.js) ## Build & Run ### Pre-requirements ```sh # Required by the httprequest dependency $ sudo apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev ``` - Clone this repository - Install Janet and jpm https://janet-lang.org/ - Get an access token for your Mastodon account ![](image1.png) ![](image2.png) ### Run ```sh # Install dependencies locally with -l (--local) $ jpm deps -l # Tell jpm that our dependencies are local, before starting the script $ jpm -l janet main.janet YOUR_INSTANCE YOUR_APP_TOKEN ``` The `YOUR_INSTANCE` value **must not** have the trailing slash (e.g: `https://hachyderm.io`) ### Build for release ```sh $ jpm build -l ``` ## LICENSE Licensed under [GPL-3](https://www.tldrlegal.com/license/gnu-general-public-license-v3-gpl-3).