(import httprequest :as r) (import spork/json :as json) (import ./utils :as utils) (var apptoken "") (var dbg false) (def urls @["https://hachyderm.io/api/v1/bookmarks"]) (def save-path "./bookmarks/") (def done @[]) (defn download-media [item] "Downloads the media from the item." (def files @[]) (def media (item "media_attachments")) (pp (item "media_attachments")) (each m media (def url (m "url")) (def folder (string save-path "attachments/")) (array/push files {:path (string "./attachments/" (utils/get-image url folder)) :description (m "description")})) (pp files) files) (defn write-markdown [item] (def files (download-media item)) (def id (item "id")) (def fout (file/open (string save-path id ".md") :w)) (def inline (string "mastodon-url:: " (item "url") " \n" "mastodon-user:: " "[" ((item "account") "acct") "]" "(" ((item "account") "url") ")" " \n" "mastodon-published:: " (item "created_at") " \n" "mastodon-tags:: " (string/join (map (fn [tag] (string "[" (tag "name") "]" "(" (tag "url") ")")) (item "tags")) " ") " \n")) (def media (string/join (map (fn [arg] (string "![](" (arg :path) ")\n " (arg :description))) files) " ")) (file/write fout (string # inline metadata inline "\n\n" # post content (string (item "content") "\n\n") # embedded media media)) (file/close fout)) (defn download-bookmarks [] "Downloads the bookmarks and saves them to a file." (while (>= (length urls) 0) (def url (utils/array-shift urls)) # Empty array means we're done (if (not url) (do (print "Done") (os/exit 0))) (print (string "Downloading " url)) (def response (r/get url {"Authorization" (string "Bearer " apptoken)} {})) (def bookmarks (json/decode (response :body) false true)) (if (and (struct? bookmarks) (bookmarks "error")) (do (print (string "Error: " (bookmarks "error"))) (os/exit 1))) # Pagination (def next-link (utils/get-link response "next")) (if (and next-link (not (has-value? done next-link))) (array/insert urls 0 next-link)) (def prev-link (utils/get-link response "prev")) (if (and prev-link (not (has-value? done prev-link))) (array/insert urls 0 prev-link)) # Debugging - write response to file (if dbg (do (def fout (file/open "./response.json" :w)) (file/write fout (response :body)))) # Write the bookmarks to md files (each item bookmarks (write-markdown item)) (array/push done url))) (defn main [& args] (set apptoken (or (os/getenv "TOKEN") (args 1))) (set dbg (get args 2)) (os/mkdir "./bookmarks") (os/mkdir "./bookmarks/attachments") (download-bookmarks))