include "ai" function state_game_placing() --- @type Die local die --- @type EventBus local event_bus --- @type 'player'|'enemy' local turn local placing = false local waiting = 30 --- Click on a column to place the die local function place_die(col_id) if placing then return end placing = true local cell_id = 0 for i = 1, 3 do if PLACED_DICE[turn][col_id][i] == 0 then cell_id = i break end end step = "waiting" addcoroutine(function() -- move the die to its cell local cell = get_cell_coords(turn, col_id, cell_id) = nil die.angle = die.angle % 360 -- get value closest to 0. e.g. 270 -> -90 if die.angle > 180 then die.angle = die.angle - 360 end local tween =, die, { x = cell.x + 3, y = cell.y + 1, angle = 0 }, "outQuad") repeat coroutine.yield() until tween:update(dt) PLACED_DICE:set(turn, col_id, cell_id, die.value) -- Animate the dice and update the scores event_bus:emit(EVENT_REMOVE_DIE) event_bus:emit(EVENT_SET_STEP, "scoring") end) end ---@param self any ---@param _die Die ---@param _event_bus EventBus ---@param _turn 'player'|'enemy' local _enter = function(self, _die, _event_bus, _turn) assert(_die, "missing die") assert(_event_bus, "missing event_bus") assert(_turn, "missing turn") die = _die event_bus = _event_bus turn = _turn waiting = 30 placing = false end local update = function(self) waiting = waiting - 1 if turn == "enemy" then if waiting <= 0 and not placing then local col = ai_pick_column(PLACED_DICE.enemy, PLACED_DICE.player, die.value) place_die(col) end else -- turn == "player" -- Highlight the hovered column local columns = { get_column_rect(turn, 1), get_column_rect(turn, 2), get_column_rect(turn, 3), } local col, col_id = table.find(columns, function(c) return mouse_in_rect(c) end) if col then if PLACED_DICE:has_free_slot(turn, col_id) then -- draw hovered column rect(col.x, col.y, col.width, col.height, 14) -- place the die if clicked if Input:mouse_released() then place_die(col_id) end end end end -- Redraw the board because the hovered column is drawn on top of it -- and i'm too lazy to fix this properly. draw_board() end return { _enter = _enter, update = update, } end