function state_main_menu() local covering = {} local falling = {} local states local buttons = { { hover = false, label = "Play", box = { x = 120 - prn_len("Play") / 2, y = 100, w = prn_len("Play"), h = 10 }, cb = function() trace("play") for i = 0, 240, 16 do for j = 0, 135, 16 do table.insert(covering, Die:new({ value = math.random(1, 6), angle = 360, x = i, y = j, scale = 0 })) end end end } } local function show_transition() -- slightly scale up the transition dice for i, die in ipairs(covering) do die.scale = die.scale + 0.03 / i * 80 die.angle = die.angle * 0.90 if die.scale > 1 then die.scale = 1 end swap_color(12, 15) swap_color(0, 15) die:draw(-1) end if table.count(covering, function(d) return d.scale == 1 end) == #covering then state_manager:change_state(, { covering = covering }) end end local function falling_dice() local remove = {} for i, die in ipairs(falling) do die.y = die.y + 1 die.angle = die.angle + die.rot_speed if die.y > 160 then table.insert(remove, i) end end for _, i in ipairs(remove) do table.remove(falling, i) end end local function draw_dice() for _, die in ipairs(falling) do swap_color(12, 15) swap_color(13, 15) swap_color(14, 15) die:draw() reset_colors(12) end end local function _enter(self, data) assert(data.states, "needs a states table") states = data.states covering = {} end local function update() -- random sign if math.random() < 0.05 then local sign = math.random() < 0.5 and -1 or 1 -- Spawn a random die local die = Die:new({ value = math.random(1, 6), x = math.random(240), y = -20, angle = math.random(10, 40), rot_speed = sign * math.random(6, 10) / 10, }) table.insert(falling, die) end falling_dice() cls() draw_dice() -- prn_border("KNUCKLEBONES", 118, 10, 1, ALIGN.Center, 0, 2, 0) -- prn_border("KNUCKLEBONES", 122, 10, 2, ALIGN.Center, 0, 2, 1) prn_border("KNUCKLEBONES", 120, 10, 12, ALIGN.Center, 0, 2) local l = prn_len("A game of risk and reward") local x = 120 - l / 2 local y = 50 x = x + prn_border("A game of ", x, y, 13, ALIGN.Left, 0) x = x + prn_border_floaty("risk ", x, y + 5, 12, ALIGN.Left, 1, 1, 20) x = x + prn_border("and ", x, y, 13, ALIGN.Left, 0) x = x + prn_border_floaty("reward", x, y - 5, 12, ALIGN.Left, 8) print_border("Originally from \"The Cult of the Lamb\"", 104, 130, 14, 0, false, 1, true) local mx, my = mouse() for i, button in ipairs(buttons) do -- Print button local x, y, w, h =,,, local hover = mx >= x and mx <= x + w and my >= y and my <= y + h button.hover = hover local color = hover and 12 or 13 -- rect(x, y, w, h, color) prn_border(button.label, x, y, color, ALIGN.Left, 0) -- Click button if hover and Input:mouse_pressed() then button.cb() end end if #covering > 0 then show_transition() end end return { update = update, _enter = _enter } end