function state_game_gameover() local box local event_bus local y = 90 local buttons = { -- { -- hover = false, -- label = "Play Again", -- box = { x = 120 - prn_len("Play Again") / 2, y = y, width = prn_len("Play Again"), height = 10 }, -- cb = function() -- trace("again") -- end -- }, { hover = false, label = "Main Menu", box = { x = 120 - prn_len("Main Menu") / 2, y = y + 15, width = prn_len("Main Menu"), height = 10 }, cb = function() reset() end } } local function open_box() while box.w < 180 do box.w = box.w * 1.1 waitframes(1) end if box.w > 180 then box.w = 180 end while box.h < 20 do box.h = box.h + 1 waitframes(1) end end local function show_buttons() -- show a button "again", and another "main menu" -- right under the box for _, button in ipairs(buttons) do button.hover = false -- rect( - 1, - 1, + 2, + 2, 2) -- Hover button if mouse_in_rect( then button.hover = true -- Click button if Input:mouse_released() then button.cb() end end prn_border(button.label,,, button.hover and 12 or 13, ALIGN.Left, 0) end end local function update(self) -- draw box rect(120 - box.w / 2, 67 - box.h / 2, box.w, box.h, 0) rectb(120 - box.w / 2, 67 - box.h / 2, box.w, box.h, 15) clip(120 - box.w / 2, 67 - box.h / 2, box.w, box.h) -- print who won according to score local text local color local score_player = get_total_score(SCORES.player) local score_enemy = get_total_score(SCORES.enemy) if score_player > score_enemy then color = COLOR_PLAYER text = "YOU WON " .. score_player .. " - " .. score_enemy elseif score_player < score_enemy then color = COLOR_ENEMY text = "YOU LOST " .. score_player .. " - " .. score_enemy else color = 14 text = "DRAW " .. score_player .. " - " .. score_enemy end prn_border(text, 120, 67 - 3, 12, ALIGN.Center, color) clip() show_buttons() end ---comment ---@param self any ---@param die Die ---@param _event_bus EventBus ---@param turn "player"|"enemy" local function _enter(self, die, _event_bus, turn) assert(_event_bus, "event_bus is nil") assert(turn, "turn is nil") event_bus = _event_bus event_bus:emit(EVENT_REMOVE_DIE) box = { h = 0, w = 1 } addcoroutine(open_box) end return { update = update, _enter = _enter } end