function state_rules() local fade = split "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,2,4,9,10,9,4,2,1" local color = 1 local function blink(x, y, w, h) rect2(x, y, w, h, fade[color]) end local function go_back() set_state( end local btn_back = make_button({ x = 1, y = 118, w = 30, h = 7, text = "🅾️/C mENU", color = 8, on_click = function() go_back() end, on_hover = function(btn) btn.color = 7 end }) return { _enter = function() end, _exit = function() -- standard_font() end, _update = function() -- custom_font() if frame_count % 8 == 0 then color += 1 end if color > #fade then color = 1 end -- Back to the menu if btnp(BTN_O) then go_back() end btn_back:update() end, _draw = function() cls() print("1) yOU CAN'T HAVE MORE THAN\n TWO (2) CONSECUTIVE TILES\n OF THE SAME COLOR", 2, 2, 7) local x = 14 local y = 28 sspr(0, 32, 12, 12, x, y) spr(2, x + 14, y + 1) sspr(13, 32, 12, 12, x + 26, y) blink(x - 1, y - 1, 9, 3) blink(x + 25, y - 1, 9, 3) blink(x - 1, y + 8, 12, 3) blink(x + 25, y + 8, 12, 3) x = 75 sspr(26, 32, 12, 12, x, y) spr(2, x + 14, y + 1) sspr(39, 32, 12, 12, x + 26, y) blink(x + 5, y + 2, 3, 9) blink(x + 31, y + 2, 3, 9) -------------- x = 44 y = 50 print("2) eACH LINE CONTAINS AN EQUAL\n NUMBER OF EACH COLOR", 2, y, 7) sspr(52, 32, 12, 12, x, y + 20) spr(2, x + 14, y + 21) sspr(65, 32, 12, 12, x + 26, y + 20) blink(x + 5, y + 22, 6, 3) blink(x + 31, y + 22, 6, 3) blink(x - 1, y + 19, 3, 6) blink(x + 25, y + 19, 3, 6) -------------- x = 44 y = 90 print("3) aLL ROWS OR COLUMNS\n ARE DIFFERENT", 2, y, 7) sspr(78, 32, 12, 12, x, y + 20) spr(2, x + 14, y + 21) sspr(91, 32, 12, 12, x + 26, y + 20) blink(x - 1, y + 25, 12, 6) blink(x + 25, y + 25, 12, 6) -------------- btn_back:draw() end } end