function state_loading() local board = local spinner = split"-,\\,|,/" local loading_messages = { "lOADING PATHFINDING ALGORITHM", "rETICULATING SPLINES", "aLLOCATING MEMORY BANDWIDTH", "iNITIALIZING HARDWARE", "sPINNING UP ai AGENT", "PINGING aZURE AGENT POOL", "bOOTING VIRTUAL MACHINE", "cOUNTING PIXELS", "cOLORING TILES", "tIP: THIS GAME RUNS BETTER ON iNTERNET eXPLORER 6", "lOADING A NEW BOARD", "iF YOU CAN'T SOLVE A BOARD, ASK HELP FROM AN ADULT", "lOADING RAY-TRACING SETTINGS", "aDJUSTING DIFFICULTY FOR YOUR PLAY STYLE", } local message = "" local messages_str = "" local messages_x = 128 local loaded = false local create_board = cocreate(function() repeat board:reset() repeat board:solve_step(true) yield() until board:is_complete() until board:is_valid() printh("b: " .. time()) -- Remove tiles until randomness is unavoidable local previous = {board:get_tiles_copy()} -- initial state local i = 0 while true do board:set_tiles(previous[#previous]) -- remove a random tile repeat i += 1 until i == 100 or board:get_tiles_copy()[i] ~= 0 if i == 100 then break end board:fill(i, 0) add(previous, board:get_tiles_copy()) -- try to solve the board local solved = "" yield() repeat solved = board:solve_step() until board:is_complete() or solved == "invalid" if solved == "invalid" then deli(previous) end end -- end while printh("c: " .. time()) board:set_tiles(previous[#previous]) printh(board:tostring()) printh(count(board:get_tiles_copy(), 0).." zeroes") loaded = true end) local function _enter() loaded = false local copy_messages = copy(loading_messages) messages_str = "" messages_x = 128 while #copy_messages > 0 do local m = rnd(copy_messages) messages_str ..= m .. " " del(copy_messages, m) end messages_str ..= "[END OF MESSAGES, THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE]" custom_font() startcoroutine(create_board) end local function _update() messages_x -= 2 if loaded then set_state(, board) end end local function _draw() cls() local l = print(message, 0, -100) print(messages_str, messages_x, 50, 7) print(spinner[t()\.25%4+1], 120, 120) end return { _enter = _enter, _update = _update, _draw = _draw, } end